Giving Back

We are a proud partner of Habitat for Humanity International, an Atlanta-based non-profit whose mission is to help people have a decent place to live. We’ve partnered with Habitat through global home building trips as well as donating a portion of our home sale proceeds to the Global Impact Fund.

Join us in Guatemala December 4-12, 2015!

This unique opportunity to build with us is made possible by the generous staff and volunteers of Habitat International.

The trip will be led by Donald Stack, Washington, D.C. affiliate Board of Directors; Co-led by Matt Dunbar, VP of Government Advocacy and relations for the NYC Affiliate

Our host will be Clive Rainey, Habitat’s first ever volunteer. He’s a pretty famous guy at this point, and lives in Guatemala. Volunteering with him is considered an honor by many people. Hear first hand what his experiences have been and how housing has changed lives all over the world.

Our Subject Matter Expert is Jose Quinones, HFHI Director of Volunteer & Advocacy engagement for LAC region (Latin Amer/Carribean) .

Our home base will be at San Lucas Toliman and we’ll be building in a local village. Help us install smokeless stoves for single parent women and also construct homes with the homeowners.

Part of our trip includes cultural activities and learning more about partnerships Habitat has with the local community. Sample activities include cooking with partner families and visiting a women’s weaving cooperative.

Typical program cost: $1,850 (tax deductible donation to Habitat) + approximately $730 airfare (may be tax deductible-check with your accountant). Participants will be able to fund raise through an online website that can be shared on social media. Offset your costs by having your friends donate to Habitat for Humanity International and embark on a building experience that will transform the lives of those in another part of the world.

Ready to build with us? Contact Natalie!


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Natalie Martinez

Natalie is an architect and REALTOR offering Atlanta clients innovative and creative design and real estate services under one roof.

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