Home Buying Process

Navigating the Home Buying Steps

Embarking on the journey to buy a home is a thrilling yet challenging experience. Rest assured, we’re here to support you through every step of the process.

Select A Realtor

Our design and construction background helps our clients in a number of ways. We all own a house and know what it takes to maintain one. We know what you can do to renovate the kitchen and make it more functional. We can advise you on which projects to tackle first and the approximate increase in your home’s value. We can refer you to any number of contractors from painters to a sewer scope consultant. Don’t even know what a sewer scope is and why it’s important? We do and we’re happy to advise you all along the way. There is no stupid question and you can ask us anything throughout the process.

Get Pre-Approved

Getting pre-approved is an important first step because you will learn so much about the financial side to one of the largest purchases you will ever make. You’ll also learn which loan products are good options, understand how interest rates, property taxes, and home insurance premiums impact your monthly payment. Most important, you will establish a professional relationship with a lender who will be a resource and responsive advocate during your homebuying journey.

Buyer Consultation

We will talk about the homebuying process and ask questions about the features and location where you would like to buy. We will also talk about obstacles, opportunities, and timelines that may affect your purchase. You’ll walk away feeling like someone really listened to your concerns and answered your questions. Let’s meet and talk about what you are looking for in your next real estate purchase.

View Properties

We will set up an appointment for you to view a property and will be with you every step of the way. We will assist in obtaining important files like Seller’s Disclosures and other helpful documents so that you are informed about the property.

Write An Offer

We’ll work with you on crafting a solid offer and we will present it to the listing agent, along with your pre-approval letter. Leverage our experience and creative negotiation strategies that put your offer on the top of the list.

Home Inspections

During the Due Diligence period, we recommend you use this time to complete inspections so that you can learn more about the house you are under contract to purchase. Most buyers will hire a Home Inspection company to inspect the home. We also recommend other types of inspections such as a Radon Inspection. Some clients also hire an arborist to examine tree health on a property, a mold test to better understand indoor air quality, a pest inspection to ensure there are no active termites or rodent, or even a sewer line inspection.

Get Ready To Close

While you are getting ready for the next phase of the homebuying process like planning your big move and setting up utilities, the lender and closing attorney are working on your file. Your loan will most likely include an appraisal and will go through an underwriting process. The attorney is reviewing the title and examining other important details in the contract. The Seller is finishing up any negotiated repairs and planning their move, too.

Closing Day

We are with our Buyers every step of the way, including the day of closing! Closing Day is the day you sign all the paperwork and get the keys to your new home. Closing is usually scheduled for one hour and both parties and their real estate agents attend the closing & sit next to their clients.

Keep Asking Questions

You’re not the only one with questions about this process. Here are answers to some of the most common questions buyers have when they start the homebuying process.

Buyer Testimonials

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12 Steps to Buying a Home in Atlanta

Learn everything you need to know about buying a home in Atlanta.

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